This is where it all begins! A hands-on introduction to all of the essential tools you'll need to build real, working websites. You'll learn what web developers actually do – the foundations you'll need for later courses.
How This Course Will Work
Introduction to Web Development
Motivation and Mindset
Asking For Help
Join the Odin Community
Computer Basics
How Does the Web Work?
Installation Overview
Text Editors
Command Line Basics
Setting up Git
Introduction to Git
Git Basics
Introduction to HTML and CSS
Elements and Tags
HTML Boilerplate
Working with Text
Links and Images
Commit Messages
Project: Recipes
Intro to CSS
The Cascade
Inspecting HTML and CSS
The Box Model
Block and Inline
Introduction to Flexbox
Growing and Shrinking
Project: Landing Page
Variables and Operators
Installing Node.js
Data Types and Conditionals
JavaScript Developer Tools
Function Basics
Problem Solving
Understanding Errors
Project: Rock Paper Scissors
Clean Code
Arrays and Loops
DOM Manipulation and Events
Revisiting Rock Paper Scissors
Project: Etch-a-Sketch
Object Basics
Project: Calculator
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